Contact Info

Horn Facilitation Centre

The goal of the Horn Facilitation Centre is to assist refugees and immigrants in need particularly the needs of Somali families and individuals living in Ireland—through partnerships, services, and programs that are timely, culturally appropriate, and address their concerns. Legalization of foreign documents for use in Somalia. Legalization of documents from Somalia for use abroad.

Kudun Musse
Founder & CEO

What We Do Globally
in Factory

Power Plant

Bildpress involves generating better data that our software can convert to discover market.


Bildpress involves generating better data that our software can convert to discover market.

Gas & Oil Refining

Bildpress involves generating better data that our software can convert to discover market.


Bildpress involves generating better data that our software can convert to discover market.

Hydraulic Fluid

Bildpress involves generating better data that our software can convert to discover market.

Marine Fuel Supply

Bildpress involves generating better data that our software can convert to discover market.

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We’re grateful for our growing community of partners who amplify our impact and help ensure that empathy and possibility replace labels and assumptions.